What You Need to Know

Know the facts

The following pages discuss some of the important things you need to know before you start taking Clarus®. If you have any questions, please talk to your doctor. If you are a woman taking Clarus, please pay special attention to the Pregnancy Prevention section of this guide.

Facts for everyone taking CLARUS

Do not get pregnant while taking Clarus and for one month after treatment. (Isotretinoin can cause serious birth defects.)
  • Have two negative pregnancy tests performed in a licensed laboratory:
    • The first pregnancy test should be done once you and your doctor have decided to use Clarus.
    • The second pregnancy test should be done within 11 days before starting Clarus
  • Wait until the second or third day of your next period before starting Clarus.
  • Start to use two methods of effective birth control together for at least one month before, during, and for one month after Clarus therapy, or don’t have sex during this time.
  • Have a pregnancy test performed in an approved laboratory every month you take Clarus and one month after treatment stops.
Do not breastfeed while taking Clarus and for one month after treatment. Isotretinoin may pass through your milk and harm the baby.
If you become depressed or have any serious mental problems tell your doctor immediately. It may be necessary to stop Clarus treatment. Signs of mental health problems include:

  • Changes in your mood, such as becoming depressed, feeling sad, or having crying spells
  • Losing interest in your usual activities that you once enjoyed
  • Changes in your normal sleep patterns
  • Becoming more irritable or aggressive than usual (for example, temper outbursts, thoughts of violence)
  • Losing your appetite or a change in your body weight
  • Becoming unusually tired
  • Feeling like you have no energy
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Having feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Withdrawing from family and friends
  • Having thoughts about hurting yourself or taking your own life (suicidal thoughts)
  • Acting on dangerous impulses
  • Seeing or hearing things that are not real

Some patients taking isotretinoin have had thoughts about putting an end to their own lives (suicidal thoughts), tried to end their own lives, and some people have ended their own lives. There were reports that some of these people did not appear depressed. There have been reports of patients on isotretinoin becoming aggressive or violent.

No one knows if isotretinoin caused these behaviours or if they would have happened even if the person did not take isotretinoin.
Do not give blood while taking Clarus and for one month after treatment. If someone who is pregnant gets your donated blood, her baby may be exposed to Clarus and may be born with birth defects.
Do not take Vitamin A supplements. Vitamin A in high doses has many of the same side effects as Clarus. Taking both together may increase your chance of getting side effects.
Do not take other medicines or herbal products with Clarus unless you talk to your doctor. If some other medicines are taken at the same time as Clarus, they can interact with each other or can cause negative effects in your body. Herbal supplements should be avoided while you are taking Clarus.
Do not take low-dose contraceptives, antibiotics, corticosteriods, phenytoin, or natural health products with Clarus unless you talk to your doctor. If some other medicines are taken at the same time as Clarus, they can interact with each other or can cause negative effects in your body. Herbal supplements should be avoided while you are taking Clarus.
Do not use abrasive cleansers on your skin while taking Clarus. Some skin products, like exfoliants, may be irritating to your skin while you are taking Clarus.
Do not have cosmetic procedures to smooth your skin such as waxing, dermabrasion, or laser procedures while taking Clarus and for at least 6 months after you stop. Isotretinoin can increase the chance of scarring or skin inflammation from these procedures. Check with your doctor for advice about when you can have cosmetic procedures.
Avoid the use of artificial ultraviolet lights (such as the ones used in tanning machines) and protect yourself from excessive sunlight. Isotretinoin may make your skin more sensitive to the ultraviolet light.
Do not share Clarus with anyone. Clarus is a prescription product that can cause serious side effects. A doctor must prescribe it.
Do not take antibiotics (especially tetracycline) with Clarus unlessyou talk to your doctor. For some antibiotics, you may have to stop taking Clarus until your antibiotic treatment is finished. Using both drugs together can increase the chances of increased pressure in the brain. Some antibiotics interfere with the effectiveness of birth control pills.
Avoid drinking alcohol while on Clarus You are at a greater risk of liver damage with the combination of isotretinoin and alcohol.
See your doctor regularly. Isotretinoin may affect blood fat, cholesterol, or sugar levels so it’s important to see your doctor regularly.
Tell all healthcare practitioners (i.e. your family doctor, dentist, cosmetic surgeon) that you are taking Clarus. Isotretinoin can interfere with other prescriptions and treatments.
Do not take Clarus if you have liver or kidney disease or if you have high blood fat (lipid) levels. Tell your doctor if you have any of these problems.
Do not take Clarus if you are sensitive to retinoids or any of the non-medicinal ingredients in Clarus. If you have an allergic reaction while taking Clarus, stop taking Clarus and contact your doctor.

Pregnancy Prevention

Important Information about Prevention while taking Clarus Click Here.

A Guide For Patients

All the information you need about your medicine in a handy booklet.
Download PDF here

Birth Control Information

For more information about birth control or for confidential counselling call the toll-free number at 1-855-500-9991